This picture is one that I had developed from a box of negatives that I found in the old Pennell home in Rutherglen. This clothesline stand is a big memory for me and was still there beside the porch door when we moved from house in 1968. Although I can’t make out her face well, I’m assuming this is my grandmother, Alice Pennell. This stand was Buster’s (our family dog) summer home. Off to the left, you can see someone on a ladder, likely picking apples from the small crab apple tree that was beside the house. It was to become a beautiful huge tree, flowering in the spring and giving us crab apples in the summer.
As I looked at this picture, I was puzzled that the clothes were not hung on a line-and-pulley, but on lines attached to the wooden crossbars. So I researched the line-and-pulley clothesline and found that it was patented until 1939.
Here is the clothesline stand again taken during the winter of 1956-1957. The crossbars are gone and the huge pole on the left is likely topped with a wheel and pulley.