my family history

Adoniram W. Smith
Paternal Grandfather: 1880-1972

Grampa Smith’s ancestry was never a mystery.  Ontario-born farmer from Renfrew County. Then came a letter, an admission and a DNA sample. I knew my Grampa Smith well.  Everyone in the community knew him as "Nide". He was a part of every family occasion and celebration until his death in 1972. Read about my journey.

More about Nide

Lloyd George Smith

Father: 1917-1988


Dad was born in Rutherglen, Ontario.  He was a farmer until 1968, then left the farm to take a job in Northern Ontario as a Stationary Engineer.

More about Lloyd
Alice M. Pennell
Paternal Grandmother: 1874-1959

My only memory of Gramma Smith was sitting on the floor at her feet colouring.  We were in their original home, later owned by my Uncle Emmett.  I was maybe 2 years. She died when I was 3.  She was the only child of her parents born in Ontario. Pictured above is Alice on the left with her niece, Jane McNamara.

More about Alice
John E. Gallson
Maternal Grandfather: 1896-1979

Grampa Gallson was born in Estonia as Johannes Ounpuu.  I knew Grampa Gallson, but not well.  He was aloof and we didn't see him as much as my paternal Grandfather.  He, with my grandmother, Florence, lived a strange transient life.

More about John

Joan Vera Gallson

Mother: 1925-2017

My mother was born in Wauchula, Florida.  Even though she had a difficult childhood, she was a loving mother to whom I'm forever grateful.

More about Joan
Florence M. Peters
Maternal Grandmother: 1896-1960

Gramma Gallson was born in London, England so her ancestry can be easily traced. But her life was a complete mystery and jigsaw puzzle that has been both challenging and exciting. I never knew her.

More about Florence
deep diving
Served Their Country
Jack James 1903 Land Dispute
John Gallson's Letters (19MG PDF)
John Gallson's Military Records
John Gallson FULL Military History
Growing Up On A Farm by Myrtle Connelly
John Gallson
Joan Smith (Gallson)
Phill Gallson Sr.
Adoniram Smith

my personal blog

  • My own DNA conspiracy theory
    I would say I've done an above average amount of reading about ancient history. I do wish I had studied this in post-secondary school however that's a whole other topic. Two things I remember reading about that just seemed weird and creepy were how in the Jewish culture, you were only considered Jewish IF your mother was Jewish and pharaohs married their sisters to keep the blood-line pure which researchers believe lead to genetic problems. My DNA has been with Ancestry for quite some time and I also sent my DNA into 23andMe. Because I could download my raw DNA… Read more: My own DNA conspiracy theory
  • Memorial for a 14-year-old
    Since I only know of one person who reads my blogs, I'm feeling quick free to speak my mind, especially today. I went to a memorial for a 14-year-old girl, granddaughter of a friend of mine. How odd to attend one of these where not only were there adult goodies for visitors to snack on, but pizza and containers of gummy bears, Skittles, jubes, M&M mini-chocolates, etc. The place was packed, arranged by the local police who are actively looking into this case of bullying. Sadie died in early January 2024 after ingesting over 100 anti-depressants, prescribed to her. I… Read more: Memorial for a 14-year-old
  • Random Memories of Wayne and Wendy
    There's a few things to point out in this picture. Dad had a push-lawnmower that he obviously hadn't used in awhile. The tub was our "swimming pool". My memories of it were very exciting. As you can see by my face I was totally happy. The "playhouse" is behind us. I'm told, it used to be the chicken coop and it was in a different location. But Dad moved it here for us to use as a playhouse. It also was very exciting. And then there's Buster!! Our fantastic, great dog. Half collie, half husky. The best dog ever. Again,… Read more: Random Memories of Wayne and Wendy
  • Gallsons in Endicott, New York
    UPDATED March 27, 2024: Email response regarding an query I made for information from the E-J Tanner and Shoemake Archive: Thank you for contacting the Syracuse University Libraries. I’m copying our Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) on this message, as this department maintains the papers of members of the Johnson family. The SCRC appreciates your interest in our collections and your inquiry has been added to our reference queue. We receive a large number of reference questions and answer all inquiries in the order in which they were received. Please note that we prioritize inquiries from current Syracuse University affiliates… Read more: Gallsons in Endicott, New York
  • Wayne Lloyd Smith
    Wayne was born December 3, 1954 in North Bay, Ontario, the son of Lloyd George Smith and Joan Vera Gallson. He's my older brother. And you can hear some things about him in the posting A Song For Wayne and in the many Stories I've posted. Wayne recently discovered that he is a carrier of a genetic mutation of the COL11A1 gene that causes Type 2 Sticklers syndrome. Features of this syndrome are eye abnormalities (high degree of myopia), hearing problems (in about 40% of individuals), arthritis, short stature, spinal abnormalities. Wayne is an Electrical Engineer and a graduate of… Read more: Wayne Lloyd Smith
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