Posts about John

Johannes Õunpuu was born November 13,1896 in Kuressaare, Mustjala Co., Saaremaa Is., Estonia. He left Estonia at the age of 16 after he was recruited by the Canadian Pacific Railway to work in Chapleau, Ontario. He changed his name to John Gallson, joined the Canadian Armed forces in 1916 and fought in Europe. After the war, he returned to Canada, and then joined the US Army. He left the army after a short period, and married Florence Peters in Manhattan, NY in 1921. They had 3 children in the following cities: Waterville, Maine, Wauchula, Florida, and Zolpho Springs, Florida. In 1928 they moved to Endicott, NY, before returning to Ontario, in 1929 and moving to Widdifield, Ontario.
Florence was committed to a Mental Asylum in 1929 and within an 18-month period John had taken in Mary Morrison as a housekeeper and had 5 more children with her.
John died in March 24, 1979.
- Gallsons in Endicott, New YorkUPDATED March 27, 2024: Email response regarding an query I made for information from the E-J Tanner and Shoemake Archive: Thank you for contacting the Syracuse University Libraries. I’m copying our Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) on this message, as this department maintains the papers of members of the Johnson family. The SCRC appreciates your… Read more: Gallsons in Endicott, New York
- John Alone With 3 ToddlersSEE UPDATE AT THE BOTTOM. The pictures below are the only toddler pictures we have of my Mom (Joan), Aunt Jean and Uncle Phil. Its very odd there aren't more, because the picture of Grampa with Aunt Jean as a baby shows they had a camera.
- Phillip John GallsonPhillip Gallson was the son of John Gallson and Florence Peters. He was born in Zolpho Springs, Florida in 1927. Phill spent most of his life in the US Army and served in Korea and Viet Nam. Sharlene Buszka wrote an amazing memorial to her mother, Aunt Marian, which contains a lot of information about… Read more: Phillip John Gallson
- John Gallson – Life TimelineBelow is a Timeline of John Gallson's life as my sister, Donna and I have been able to put together using military and life documents. There are many interesting things in this table, some surprizing and some trivial. For me, the most significant year is 1930. Gramma Gallson was committed to a mental asylum in… Read more: John Gallson – Life Timeline
- Johannes Õunpuu leaves EstoniaThe story we were told about Grampa Gallson leaving Estonia was that he stowed away on a ship headed for England and lied about his age. The more likely story is that he lied about his age so that he could join a group of Estonians headed to Canada to work for the CPR. Below… Read more: Johannes Õunpuu leaves Estonia
- John Gaallson’s Army RecordsClick here for images of Grampa Gallson's WWI documents. Below is information that Wayne sent me and I stored for the future. The 52nd Battalion, 1915-1919 No sooner had Canada entered the war against Germany and its allies in 1914 than it was decided to raise an expeditionary force for battle overseas. The local militia,… Read more: John Gaallson’s Army Records
- Mihkel ÕunpuuJohannes' (John Gallson) Father The following is from Malle Jaagoa - May 13, 2002. Its the register of births and christenings of year 1865. It is from the church. The first 2 columns translated = day and hour of the birth For Mihkel Õunpuu translation = 25 Sept afternoon The third column translated = day… Read more: Mihkel Õunpuu
- John’s Estonian FamilyThese are records from the archives in Tallinn that Kaido Õunpuu got for me in 1988. Kaido is Eduard's son. I put on the pictures of Karl and Aliise. You can view all the children in the Photo Gallery.
- John Gallson – ObituaryAll records indicate that "Margaret" was Mary Morrison, born Mary Margaret Morrison. John was actually only predeceased by his 1st wife, Florence. The predeceased son referred to here was Donny Morrison, who came to live with John as a young boy with his mother, Mary Morrison. Donny and Jackie (John) were blood brothers, (sons of… Read more: John Gallson – Obituary
- John Joins the US ArmyAfter Grampa returned from WWI, December 1918, and was discharged from the Canadian Army January 1919, travelled across the border on June 10, 1919 at Buffalo, and moved to Wheeling, West Virginia. (1320 Water Street). On December 16, 1920, Grampa filed a Declaration of Intention for Naturalization, then two days later, on December 18, 1920,… Read more: John Joins the US Army
- John’s Post-Army Life in USAWhen Grampa file his Declaration of Intention for Naturalization (No. 1914) to the US government, he had 7 years from December 16, 1920 to complete the application. The application shows a lot of information. It states he crossed the border from Canada to the US on June 10, 1919. I search on through all… Read more: John’s Post-Army Life in USA
- John in MattawaBelow is a map sketched by Hilda Howard, Mom's half-sister, when I visited her in Toronto the in late 1990's maybe. So while she was trying to remember the layout of the Mattawa farm, she also was remembering things about Grampa.