Random Memories of Wayne and Wendy

There’s a few things to point out in this picture. Dad had a push-lawnmower that he obviously hadn’t used in awhile. The tub was our “swimming pool”. My memories of it were very exciting. As you can see by my face I was totally happy. The “playhouse” is behind us. I’m told, it used to be the chicken coop and it was in a different location. But Dad moved it here for us to use as a playhouse. It also was very exciting. And then there’s Buster!! Our fantastic, great dog. Half collie, half husky. The best dog ever.

Again, about in the same area as above, but looks like Dad cut the lawn. The store-bought swimming pool was a luxury. Wayne is a little shy of hair on his head from his surgery. Looking behind us is the garage, that I don’t think had a door and I don’t remember a vehicle ever being in it. To the top right, is about the spot where Wayne faced the bull, nose to nose. AND there’s Buster – best dog ever, with his collie-white mane and curled up husky tail and short-round snout.

Thanks Wayne for finding these pictures and sending them to me.

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