My own DNA conspiracy theory

I would say I’ve done an above average amount of reading about ancient history. I do wish I had studied this in post-secondary school however that’s a whole other topic. Two things I remember reading about that just seemed weird and creepy were how in the Jewish culture, you were only considered Jewish IF your mother was Jewish and pharaohs married their sisters to keep the blood-line pure which researchers believe lead to genetic problems.

My DNA has been with Ancestry for quite some time and I also sent my DNA into 23andMe. Because I could download my raw DNA data from Ancestry, I also sent the raw file into FamilyTreeDNA and MyHeritage. (I may have sent it into Gene too, I’ll check this later). In 2007, I sent my DNA into the Genographic Project which was part of National Geographic.

It’s expensive to belong to all these 3rd party genealogy companies, so I chose Ancestry and 23andMe to maintain my membership, while also paying FamilyTreeDNA $10 to get some extra detail.

Recently I’ve been trying to get my head around genetics and genealogical DNA and I just finished The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy (2nd Ed.) by Blaine T. Bettinger. It was very interesting as the author lays out the differences in all the 3rd party companies, what they offer and reveal, most of which is WAY over my head.

What I gleaned from the book is that all the 3rd party companies have their pros and cons, but 23andMe seems to come out on top for lay-person level data analysis while FamilyTreeDNA is a step above lay-person, hovering almost out of touch for me.

But following is a summary of what I learned about DNA and I write all the below in an effort to galvanize the information into my own brain.

A cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes: 22 autosomal pairs plus a “sex” pair (either a XX pair for females or a XY pair for males). These chromosomes are all INSIDE the nucleus of the cell.

The mother passes along her X-DNA to ALL her children, either pure from her mother or by jumbling up her father’s X with her mother’s X. There is an 85% chance that it’s jumbled.

The father’s X-DNA (either pure or jumbled from his mother) is passed to his daughters who cannot pass it on to their children.

The father’s Y-DNA (chromosome) is only passed down from father to son, unchanged, exactly as it was going back eons. Meaning a man’s Y-DNA is the same as his father’s, grandfather’s, great-grandfather’s, all the way back to “Adam”. Also meaning you can’t tell which genealogical level it comes from. Example: Two men have the same Y-DNA. I can’t tell if its because they are brothers, first cousins, nephew/uncle, etc. Women do NOT have a Y-DNA so cannot pass a Y-DNA down to her children. Therefore, the Y-DNA will disappear in the line IF there are no sons, or said to have “daughtered out”.

The mt-DNA (mitochondrial), which is found OUTSIDE the nucleus of the cell, is only passed down from the mother to ALL her children and like the Y-DNA, it is passed down unchanged, and like the Y-DNA you cannot determine genealogical level, all the way back to “Eve”. Even though a man will receive his mother’s mt-DNA, he cannot pass it down to any of his children. Therefore, the mt-DNA will disappear in the line IF there are no sons, in essence “sonned out”.

This leaves the 22 autosomal chromosomes (or at-DNA). 50% of one’s autosomal DNA comes from the mother and 50% comes from the father. With every generation, the autosomal DNA matching gets halved. Therefore, autosomal disappears over time, meaning, the further away a match is shown on Ancestry or 23andMe, the less sure it is. Once you get past the 3rd or 4th cousin, there’s only a small percentage of matching DNA. Example: Siblings will show a 50% match. First cousins will show a 25% match. Second cousins will show a 12.5% match and third cousins will show a 6.25% match.

That being said its the autosomal DNA that reveals loads about the full ancestry of a person, because you potentially have a little bit from every ancestor in your tree, or potentially have nothing from an ancestor because it got filtered right out.


My life-partner, Lorne, is 100% Ashkenazi Jew. Our daughter, Meghan, is 50% Ashkenazi Jew. But Lorne would not have passed down his Y-DNA to her nor any of his mt-DNA from his mother. Therefore, Meghan shows 50% Jew solely from Lorne’s at-DNA and from his X-DNA (jumbled or pure).

Now for my conspiracy theory. Is it just a coincidence that the ancient Jewish people and the pharaohs set up rules surrounding the pureness of their children’s bloodline?

If a pharaoh had to have children with his sister, than would mean the Y-DNA, X-DNA, mt-DNA and at-DNA would all be 100% and pure.

By my calculations, if siblings always have a son and a daughter, who marry, and then the incest continues:

  • Y-DNA is always transferred to the sons; never “daughters out” as long as there are male children
  • X-DNA from the father never stops as it is passed down through the daughters
  • X-DNA from the mother never stops as it is passed down through the sons
  • mt-DNA stays pure, as it wouldn’t matter if it jumbles, and is always passed down
  • at-DNA stays at 100%

In royalty, the daughters are often married to male cousins, when INCEST became scandalous and a very bad idea.

In the Jewish faith, the mother needing to be of Jewish blood before you can say you’re Jewish because the mother passed down the mt-DNA 100% and the mother’s X-DNA (which can be a jumble of mom’s X and dad’s X) is passed down to daughters 100%.

My question, why would the female DNA be more important than the male DNA which holds the all-important Y??

Answer: Because in the Jewish faith, its the man who chooses a wife to bare his children. The man is Jewish and Y chromosome will be passed. But he MUST choose a Jewish wife for mt-DNA and the X-DNA to be passed. The Y-DNA will lead back to Adam and the mt-DNA will lead back to Eve.

This comes back to my initial conspiracy theory/question: How did they know? I cannot believe these traditions just came out of no where. Is it in the bible?

Memorial for a 14-year-old

Since I only know of one person who reads my blogs, I’m feeling quick free to speak my mind, especially today.

I went to a memorial for a 14-year-old girl, granddaughter of a friend of mine. How odd to attend one of these where not only were there adult goodies for visitors to snack on, but pizza and containers of gummy bears, Skittles, jubes, M&M mini-chocolates, etc. The place was packed, arranged by the local police who are actively looking into this case of bullying.

Sadie died in early January 2024 after ingesting over 100 anti-depressants, prescribed to her. I am very light on details of Sadie’s history. She suffered bullying at her school, was in therapy, moved to a new school, then after an “incident” with a group of four other girls with a “leader”, that caused enough fear about “something” going up on Facebook, Sadie went home and over the night took all the pills.

After three days on a respirator and life support, she was declared brain dead and was taken off the machines.

She was the ONLY child of her parents. Needless to say, the parents were beside themselves and my friend was in tears 90% of the time. Seeing Sadie’s beautiful rock collection displayed on a table reminded me of Meghan’s rock collection and, for a brief moment, I allowed the thought that this would be part of Meghan’s memorial, but I quickly moved my mind along.

I could not move my mind away from this thought though: Who is to blame for this, because someone is!

  • THE DOCTOR: What doctor in their right mind would prescribe that many anti-depressants to be put into one bottle and given to a depressed teenager under his/her care? Did the doctor warn the parents to keep the pills under lock and key and only give Sadie the prescribed dosage?
  • THE BULLY: The police found the bully to issued the fatal blow. The bully called Sadie parents to apologize, but the reports are that the apology was insincere. The mother of the bully called Sadie’s parents as well. Sadie’s mother reportedly told the bully’s mother to never call again. The case is being investigated.
  • THE PARENTS: Who handed over the bottle of pills to a 14-year-old depressed girl with the misguided oblivious notion that there was not chance Sadie would down the whole bottle? Were they in denial, truly believing their daughter was too smart to do something so stupid. When I was 14 I did lots of stupid things and I truly believe my parents NEVER thought I was smart enough not to do them. My parents were absolutely right about me – I was a naive, blob of play-doh, just waiting for others to help me form my life. They feared for my safety. And even though I went ahead and did whatever I wanted to, I always was keenly aware of their fear and I believe that kept me from falling off the edge of the cliff. However, I did not live in a social media world.
  • FACEBOOK: Why is it that things that go up on Facebook are so devasting? Isn’t that what BLOCK, SPAM, REPORT is for? Facebook (along with TikTok and others) are currently being sued by 4 school boards in the Greater Toronto Area for knowingly creating and executing a way of rewiring vulnerable brains, leaving the teachers to clean up the mess. Facebook has claimed that their parental-permission check box is their leading edge way curtail this, but they are missing the point. Because parents are smart enough to know that social media giants are actually REWIRING brains to believe that life is Facebook, TikToc, Instagram, X, etc. Social media was just coming out when my daughter was a teen. There were a few times, late into the evening when Meghan was on the computer, and she would read something on My Space perhaps, and she’d go charging out the door into the night to comfort a friend and face off with someone. I discovered quickly how to set the router to cut the internet to her computer by a certain time. But that only made her walk out the door.

Well, that’s enough for now.

Random Memories of Wayne and Wendy

There’s a few things to point out in this picture. Dad had a push-lawnmower that he obviously hadn’t used in awhile. The tub was our “swimming pool”. My memories of it were very exciting. As you can see by my face I was totally happy. The “playhouse” is behind us. I’m told, it used to be the chicken coop and it was in a different location. But Dad moved it here for us to use as a playhouse. It also was very exciting. And then there’s Buster!! Our fantastic, great dog. Half collie, half husky. The best dog ever.

Again, about in the same area as above, but looks like Dad cut the lawn. The store-bought swimming pool was a luxury. Wayne is a little shy of hair on his head from his surgery. Looking behind us is the garage, that I don’t think had a door and I don’t remember a vehicle ever being in it. To the top right, is about the spot where Wayne faced the bull, nose to nose. AND there’s Buster – best dog ever, with his collie-white mane and curled up husky tail and short-round snout.

Thanks Wayne for finding these pictures and sending them to me.

Gallsons in Endicott, New York


March 27, 2024: Email response regarding an query I made for information from the E-J Tanner and Shoemake Archive:

Thank you for contacting the Syracuse University Libraries. I’m copying our Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) on this message, as this department maintains the papers of members of the Johnson family.

The SCRC appreciates your interest in our collections and your inquiry has been added to our reference queue. We receive a large number of reference questions and answer all inquiries in the order in which they were received. Please note that we prioritize inquiries from current Syracuse University affiliates (faculty, students, and staff).

Thank you for your patience. You’re welcome to contact us directly at at any time if you have a question about the status of your inquiry.



Abby Kasowitz-Scheer (she, her, hers)
Head, Department of Learning and Academic Engagement
Syracuse University Libraries

222 Waverly Ave., Syracuse, NY 13244

Syracuse University

This is the building where I believe the Gallsons lived in 1928/29 in Endicott, NY.  Its address is 200 North Street.  An early memory of Joan, was going up a flight of stairs to get to their home and at Christmas there was a Christmas tree at the end of the hall.

The Endicott City Directory of 1928 is below.  John Gallson is a tanner.

The Gallsons are also in the 1929 Endicott City Directory, although he is a shoe maker then. 

While looking in Google at early 20th century maps of Endicott, trying to find exactly where the house may have been, I came across this, also on North Street. the Endicott-Johnson & Co. Tanneries & Shoe Factories.

Below is a Google aerial view with the Tannery/Shoe Factory boxed on the right (currently BAE Aerospace Systems) and 200 North Street boxed on the left. 

From what I’ve read about this company, even though being a tanner was a very difficult and gruesome job, they treated their employees very well.  The Gallsons would have benefited from “the Square Deal”, which included health care right at the factory. And they also made employees shareholders.  There’s a lot of information about the company in 1928 and 1929.  It looks like in 1929, there was a downturn in shoe sales, so Grampa may have been laid off because he hadn’t been there very long.  And since Grampa doesn’t seem to have ever completed his Naturalization, he left Endicott.

Below is a excerpt from Wikipedia…

George F. and the Square Deal

The E-J story is dominated by George F. Johnson (1857–1948), or George F as he was popularly called, who rose through the shoe factory ranks to become the half-owner of E-J, and its highest executive until his death in 1948.

George F’s reign was dominated by his Square Deal version of welfare capitalism that, like progressive movements of the early twentieth century, advocated providing parades and churches and libraries to “uplift” workers. George F’s Square Deal consisted of worker benefits even in harsh economic times that were generous and innovative for their time, but also meant to engender worker loyalty and discourage unionizing. The company had a chess and checkers club.

For workers, the Square Deal consisted of a chance to buy E-J built and E-J financed homes, a profit sharing program, health care from factory-funded medical facilities and later (built in 1949) two worker recreational facilities. But the Square Deal was more than an employee benefit program. E-J and the Johnson family also provided or helped to finance two libraries, theaters, a golf course, swimming pools, carousels, parks and food markets, many of which were available to the community without charge. Reminders of the source of that generosity were inescapable:

Endicott was a community planned by E-J and incorporated in 1906. It was named after Henry B. Endicott (one of the grade schools was named Henry B,) who owned the business that became E-J. Lestershire was renamed Johnson City, New York in honor of George F. All of the tanneries and the vast majority of the shoe factories were located in Endicott with a few satellite locations in Johnson City and Binghamton. The Johnsons lived in Endicott and George F’s mansion was donated to the Village after his death and became the public library. Most of the jobs were classified as “piece work.” Racks of shoes moved through the factories with “coupons” attached to each rack. When the worker completed his/her operation on the rack of shoes, he or she removed the appropriate coupon which was worth a few pennies. At the end of the week the worker turned in his coupons from which the payroll department calculated pay. The work was hard and the pay was low, but the extensive benefits were offsets. The windows in the factories were painted so workers wouldn’t be distracted by the outside. The company needed a large labor pool and initiated a recruitment program aimed at southern Italy and the Slavic countries and so Endicott became a small town with a rich ethnic mix. Many of the sons and daughters of these immigrants graduated from Union-Endicott High School and went on to become teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, and successful business people. Very few went to work in the factories.

Source: Endicott Johnson Corporation – Wikipedia

There’s also a large document that is VERY interesting about the company and there’s alot in it about what was going on with the company in 1928 & 1929.  In particular, Chapter 2 “The Rise of the ‘Square Deal’ ” (starts page 37, and page 48 in particular), Chapter 3 “Workers and the Work” (starts page 63, particularly pages 77/78) and interesting pictures starting page 99.

Below are pictures from the document of men working in the tannery in 1930, the year after Grampa would have left.

😀There is also a vast amount of information about the tannery on the historical site for Endicott.

🤨After reading up on the Endicott-Johnson Tanners and Shoe Makers and watching this video, it begs the question: Why did the Gallsons leave on July 31, 1929 to head to Ontario. .🤞🤞On March 23, 2024, I emailed “Marlene” at the historical site to see if there’s any chance that there’s an employee record archive. UPDATE: Marlene isn’t associated with this anymore, but she did pass along an email address of a contact from a Facebook page. See UPDATE at the top of the page.

Wayne Lloyd Smith

Wayne was born December 3, 1954 in North Bay, Ontario, the son of Lloyd George Smith and Joan Vera Gallson. He’s my older brother. And you can hear some things about him in the posting A Song For Wayne and in the many Stories I’ve posted.

Wayne recently discovered that he is a carrier of a genetic mutation of the COL11A1 gene that causes Type 2 Sticklers syndrome. Features of this syndrome are eye abnormalities (high degree of myopia), hearing problems (in about 40% of individuals), arthritis, short stature, spinal abnormalities.

Wayne is an Electrical Engineer and a graduate of the University of Waterloo. He’s married to Rita Seguin. They met and married in Porcupine, Ontario, and have moved and lived in many places. Currently they are in Saskatoon, moving to Vancouver Island in August 2024.

They have 3 children: Darren, Joseph and Amy-Lynn. Joseph and Amy are both married with children of their own.

Wayne’s Storyworth Posts


Suzan Birdsall nee Canning

Suzan and Mark Birdsall


Suzan was the daughter of Brenda Canning and the granddaughter of Phyllis Vera Peters.

Suzan Birdsall Obituary, Death – January 21, 2024 – London, England – Suzan Birdsall, who was affectionately known as Sue, passed away, and it is with profound grief and heavy hearts that we share this news with you. Earlier today, at 16:46, she left this world while surrounded by her devoted family, bringing an end to her time on earth. Her departure occurred in the embrace of her family. We are acutely aware that many of you had a great connection with Sue, and while we are conveying this sad news through this medium, we are also grateful for your support. We like to express our deepest condolences to her family and friends on the demise of this beloved member of our family.

Sue was a treasured friend, a confidante, and a source of delight for those who had the luxury of knowing her. She was more than just a coworker; she was a source of joy. There was a big turning point in the lives of individuals who worked with Sue because her presence at the workplace lasted for more than a decade. Beyond the domain of professional endeavours, our connections became stronger, and they eventually developed into a friendship that endured the ups and downs of life. We were able to lean on each other in times of need and celebrate the basic joys that life had to offer, which was frequently accompanied by laughing and the occasional drink that was shared.

We have been overcome with grief, and the vacuum that it has left in our hearts is unimaginable. All of you who knew and loved Sue are experiencing a profound sense of disbelief and shock as a result of this tragic loss. A heartbreaking reminder of the camaraderie that characterised our friendship was provided by the opportunity to see her in the hospital during her final hours. This opened the door for the interchange of memories that we both shared.

Sue was more than simply a friend or a colleague; she was a lovely spirit who left an unforgettable effect on our lives. Her legacy will live on forever. As we say our goodbyes, we will carry in our memories the warmth, the generosity, and the innumerable moments that we enjoyed together that characterised our time spent together. The melancholy departure of our wonderful friend will constantly be tempered with the experience of having Christmas tea with Santa, which was an event in which she participated as a joyful participant.

As we go through this period of grieving, let us come together to pay tribute to Sue’s memory. It is my hope that the joy and companionship that we experienced together will be the enduring legacy that will outweigh the sorrow that we feel over her absence. Dear Sue, may you rest in peace knowing that your memory will live on in the hearts of those who had the privilege of being able to include you in their circle of friends.

Suzan is survived by her husband Mark Birdsall, brother Paul Canning and sister Shelly Canning. She has 5 children.

When I first connected with Suzan in November 2021, she let me know that her Mom, Brenda Thorpe was adopted.  Phyllis (who had married Bernard Bramwell Thorpe) had a son, Phillip, who only lived a few days, and after adopted Brenda.  I was a little disappointed but Suzan also told me that her “Gran” (Phyllis) was very dear to her and she had great memories of her.  Brenda died a couple of years ago (around 2020ish).

Suzan also had very fond memories of Aunt Edie and then revealed the open family secret:  Brenda was actually the daughter of Aunt Edie and when Aunt Edie was dying she told Brenda that she was real family – not an outsider.  Edie was born in 1903 and Brenda was born in 1943.  The story is likely true.  Phyllis would have known that when SHE was born, her mother Hannah adopted her to save the fallout of the scandal and the reputations of Florence or Ellen.  So Phyllis likely didn’t think twice to adopt Aunt Edie’s baby as her own, her only son having died as an infant.

Suzan was born Canning and married Jonathan Dove (not the composer).  They had 3 children and then Jonathan died.  Suzan entered into a relationship with Giovanni Lisi and had 2 more children.  She is now with Mark Birdsall and goes by Suzan Birdsall.

Shortly after this, Shelley Canning, Suzan’s younger sister, reached out to me on Facebook. Shelley has Aunt Edie’s scrapbook which is where the drawing of Gramma Gallson came from.  I hope to get more insight into this scrapbook.


The memorabilia collection that Suzan had was passed onto her brother, Paul, in the fall of 2023. Now I’m waiting for Paul to get through the photos. So far, Paul has sent me an additional picture of Florence standing beside a chair and a picture of Edie, Ellen and Phyllis sitting on a park bench dressed in their Sunday best.

On February 2, 2024: Suzan’s husband Mark Birdsall committed suicide. This information is from Paul Canning, Suzan’s brother. He also sent me a picture of Suzan’s three oldest children. Note Samantha’s red hair. Paul also said in his message that Auntie Edie had “really red hair.”

Tommy, Andrea & Samantha Dove

March 17, 2024: I convinced and offered to pay for an Ancestry DNA kit for Shelly Canning, Suzan’s sister. I’m hoping this will answer the question: Was Brenda Canning (nee Thorpe) adopted or was she actually Edith Peter’s daughter?

    Freedom of Information

    Click here to read update

    I finally decided to make an application to the Archives of Ontario, under the Freedom of Information Act, to get any documentation existing on my grandmother, Florence Peters. It was surprizingly easy.

    I filled out a very simple form, giving very brief information about GG (Gramma Gallson), why I wanted the documents and who I was, submitted and waited.

    What I received was no surprize, as it confirmed what the Archives of Ontario supplied to me decades ago, but with the actual documents they used to get the information: the population change on the day GG died – proof that GG, in the end, was just an administrative entry and a statistic.

    The Archivist explained that:

    It is unfortunate that I could not locate a casefile. I did do some extra research into the administration of the records. It appears that Lakeshore did not regularly send their case files to the Archives of Ontario and ultimately a large amount of case files were destroyed. I did search the remaining casefiles, but they are mostly from the early 1900s. As for St. Thomas, case files from 1945 to 1976 were destroyed.

    Astoria Felix
    Information & Privacy Analyst
    Archives of Ontario | Archives Division
    November 2023 Email

    I then sent the Archivist the letters that Carol received from St. Thomas Hospital in 1976 and 1980. This is her response:

    Since this letter is from 1976/1980, it would make sense that they still had some information in the file at that time. The destruction of St. Thomas’s case files was done in 2001, in the same year that it was divested to St. Joseph’s Health Care in London. The records that were sent to the Archives of Ontario was the St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital index and the St. Thomas Patient Registers. The rest of our records are administrative and unfortunately doesn’t include patient health records.

    You may try to contact a current hospital to see if they hold historical records, but I will say that it may be unlikely. As mentioned above, St. Thomas was divested to St. Joseph’s Health Care in London in 2001. Upon its divestment, the Hospital was renamed Regional Mental Health Care, St. Thomas, which appears to be permanently closed now. Since the hospital (and the divested hospital) closed down, I’m not sure what the correct institution is to contact. I did find St. Joseph’s Health Care London, which is a St. Joseph’s hospital that appears to treat St. Thomas patients, the link on how to request records is here: Health Records | St. Joseph’s Health Care London

    As for Lakeshore, unfortunately the hospital permanently closed in 1979.


    So, as per the archivist’s suggestion, I emailed , and just received this response:

    Good Morning,

    We have received your request for a medical record of your grandmother dated November 23, 2023.

    After reviewing your request, we are informing you that the medical record pertaining to Flora Gallson, D.O.B., November 12 (or 21), 1897, is no longer available as per the hospital Record Retention and Destruction Policy.

    Should you have any questions or concerns about the above, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Please accept our sincere apologies for any disappointment or inconvenience this may have caused.

    Thank you for your understanding, and we appreciate the opportunity to assist you with your inquiry.

    Wishing You a Wonderful Day 😊

    Kind Regards,

    Email, December 11, 2023

    I guess I should admit to myself, that the records are gone.

    Now what I’m holding out hope for is a positive response from the reference library, also suggested by the Ontario Archives Archivist, about the warrant that I’m very much hoping is NOT part of the medical records that were destroyed. Two people (a lawyer/prosecutor and a child of mother who was committed) said that Gramma must have done something “really bad” for there to be a warrant.

    UPDATE: Today (January 23, 2024) I applied for more information from Ontario under the FOI (Freedom of Information Act) regarding Gramma Gallson.

    UPDATE: February 15, 2024, I received an email from Ontario and again only received information that I had already. They included these documents:

    The warrant number and the year of commitment.

    I think I’m definitely at the end of the rope here. The only extra information I have now is the warrant number: 10948, and I’m not sure what good that will do me. It’s not a police warrant or a criminal warrant. I believe the Ontario Department of Health had their own warrant system.

    I’m nothing but tenacious and in saying that, I’ve filled out yet another FOI form for any documents from Children and Social Services from 1929 to 1943 for Widdifield Township and Papineau Township. There must be a file on the Gallson family. Mom remembered the teacher at school calling social services who came and checked out the Gallson children. She remembered Grampa Gallson telling Mary to ease up on beating the children or they’d be taken away.

    February 16, 2024 – Ministry of Social Services call me this morning to say they wouldn’t have anything on this, that it would be the local Children’s Aid Society, and that I need to connect with them. Many moons ago, when Mom was still living on Main St. W. in North Bay, Mom took a letter to the Nipissing Children’s Aid Society asking for information. Many months later, they said that all these records would be stored off-site and next to impossible to go through. We never heard from them again. The CAS is private, not a government body, so I think the FOI wouldn’t apply to them. Sigh! I’ll call them.

    March 17, 2024 – My battle continues. I received a call from a woman who said that the Children’s Aid Society is a private organization so I would be unable to access documents through the Freedom of Information Act. In the meantime, I received an email from the IPC (Information & Privacy Commissioner of Ontario) saying to fill out the form to receive information. Now I’m confused, so a filed a “complaint” with the IPC to get a correct answer on how I can access the Children’s Aid Society data and/or the Foster Children’s data and/or Social Services of Nipissing District.

    Mental Health Treatment in 1930

    Every once in a while, I try to find information about how Gramma Gallson would have be treated within an Ontario mental health facility between 1929 and 1960. Needless to say, information is next to impossible to find.

    The being said, I did find an interesting article about this topic for the UK, which I am imagining, before the Ontario Mental Health Act of 1930, was likely in place.

    The Treatment Act of 1930 replaced the Lunacy Act 1890 which stipulated that anyone admitted had to be “certified” which required a magistrate’s oversight – in other words, needed a warrant. Also, there was NO option for self-discharge.

    My good friend Linda brought to my attention a limited series on Cary Grant that’s available on Brit Box. She gave me a “trigger” warning, meaning to be prepared for something within the series that might trigger me emotionally. I watched it yesterday – “Archie” – a 4-episode series about the early life of Archibald Leach, born in Bristol, England, who’s father committed his mother into an insane asylum in 1913, then told everyone she had died. Cary did not learn until he was 31 that his mother was still alive in the mental institution.

    While there are some dramatized story lines in the series that are not factual, I wonder about the hospital conditions that Mrs. Leach lived. In the series, she was in a ward room with 6-8 other women, but they show her being treated with kindness and also show her as being VERY coherent and able to make lively and combative conversation, even after being in an asylum for 22 years.

    Unfortunately, Gramma Gallson’s story took a different path with Uncle Phill was told that his mother was “too far gone” and told not to even visit her.

    Cary got his mother out of the hospital when he learned about her whereabouts and set her up in her own apartment in Bristol with a nurse and the help of his by-then half brother, as Cary’s father “remarried” one year after Cary’s mother was committed. Wikipedia says Cary’s older brother died before Cary’s was born of tuberculous meningitis two days before his first birthday, for which Cary’s mother blamed herself bitterly and from then on, suffered from clinical depression.

    I haven’t been able to find further research into why women were institutionalized in the early 1900’s in Ontario. But I have come across papers and research done in other countries. For instance, in Ireland, a paper was done on women being institutionalized during that time period.

    Some women were successful in securing a prompt release — generally within eight months to a year. However, in cases where patients could not learn to act “cheerful,” or work quietly, the potential for release significantly diminished over time, especially if they did not have family advocating for them outside of the asylum. As one senior hospital medical officer noted, “life in the asylum” could cause patients “to become institutionalized and detached from reality,” their world having shrunk to the interior of the asylum.

    I do think the key point here is advocacy – Gramma had no one advocating for her and only when Cary Grant became his mother’s advocate, was she released.

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