What is Judaism?

Below is a great 8-minute video that summarizes what I’ve always thought of Judaism. But it wasn’t until I saw the results of our daughter’s DNA on Ancestry that it really hit me – Judaism is not a religion. It’s actually in the DNA. It’s who they are. Our daughter is a solid 50% Ashkenazi Jew.

The Jewish “religion” denies that our daughter is Jewish because I’m not a Jew and I’m the mother. That being said, biologically and DNAically, she IS half Jewish, and Hitler would not have argued.

I equate this to King Henry VIII who just told his subjects, “You are now protestant, or off with your head.” And you either complied or died. Most complied and merely switched churches, or religions. Hitler knew right from the start, even if a Jew attended Catholic church, they were still a Jew. How is it the Hitler knew this and so many North American Jews don’t know this?

I watched a news report a few years ago, an interview with a Jewish woman in Montreal after the Jewish cemetery was defaced. She said, “I don’t understand why people do this to us. Its only a religion!”

“No, no!” I said. You are so wrong. And by saying that you undermine Judaism. Rudy Rochman in the video below makes a very clear comparison with the North American Indigenous people (which also shows up in your DNA). Even if the a North American Indigenous person rejects everything about being indigenous, they are still indigenous, because they are a “people” – not a religion. Yet, the Indigenous people have a religion or a believe system they can embrace.

This is the same as the Jews. They are a people, no matter what they believe in. And if they choose, they can embrace the religious beliefs of the Jewish people.

I’ve brought this up to my husband’s family and relatives and I was VERY shocked to have them completely reject it, actually saying that Ancestry is a scam, that’s there’s no way Jewish DNA can be measured BECAUSE ITS JUST A RELIGION.

Here’s a Q & A with my husband:

Do you believe in god? NO
Do you go to synagogue? NO
Do you follow any of the Jewish “religious” traditions? NO
Do you want to move to Israel? NO, BUT IF I WERE YOUNGER, I’D JOIN THE ISRAELI ARMY.
Do you consider yourself Polish? I’VE NEVER THOUGHT OF MYSELF AS POLISH.
Do you know anything about your Jewish heritage? ONLY WHAT YOU’VE TOLD ME.
Are you a Jew? YES!

The Jews are NOT indigenous to Israel. The Bedouins are. Here’s a quote from nbcnews.com:

Israeli authorities concentrated those [Bedouins] who remained [after 1948] into a smaller patch of desert and later sought to move them into newly built townships. But many refused, reluctant to give up their ancient way of life.


Sound familiar?

This is a great video in that it goes over the history of Jews in a very small nutshell.  The only issue I have with it, is that he compares the Jews to the Indigenous People of North America.  There IS a big difference between these scenarios.

The Indigenous People of North America are, in fact, the First Nations People, meaning they were actually in North American land FIRST.  The “white man” took over their land and relegated them to “Indian Reserves”, mistreated them, abused them, murdered them and their children.

The Jews took over the land that is now Israel from the Bedouin Tribes, relegating them to pockets of land.  I have no idea how Israel have treated them over the centuries, but recently I read that they have been fighting for recognition for a very long time. Hmmm… sounds familiar.

The Indigenous People of North America have never claimed they deserve the land because “God gave it to them.”  They were on the land for tens of thousands of years.  No one “gave” them the land.  The Jews believe God gave them Israel and that’s why they deserve it.  Not sure why they don’t just admit, like we’ve had to do in North America, that we TOOK the land and now we have to say “I’m sorry” and try to butter them up by giving them money.

History is based on one people killing off another people, then taking their land. It was life back then, and it IS life now, as Russia proved with the invasion of Ukraine.

Nazi physicians claimed the moral high ground by transforming the Hippocratic Oath from a doctor-patient relationship to a state-Völkskorper—or nation’s body—relationship. They justified the sterilization or elimination of ‘lives not worth living’ as a merciful preventive measure, simultaneously ending the suffering of the genetically inferior and preventing transmission of their presumably hereditary harmful traits.

Opinion: The life-and-death history lesson that doctors aren’t learning, CNN.com, Opinion by Kirsi Goldynia, published December 7, 2023

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