11/25/1896 or 11/13/1896 | born | Mustjala, Saarma Island, Estonia (birth registration Tallinn) discrepancy in birth date is likely because in 1918 Estonia switched from Julian calendar to Gregorian |
6/13/1913 | departed Glasgow, Scotland on board Ship Columbia bound for New York | age 17, Finland; with many other Estonian men bound for work with CPR in Chapleau |
6/16/1913 | arrived Ellis Island, NYC; destination Shapleau, CPR, ON; | Labourer, Russia, Lifland, father Mich Ounpuu; $25 cash; friend Johannes Lonn |
3/10/1916 | Attestation Paper – in Webbwood, used name John Gaallson | born – Arensburg, Mustel, Palrapelle. Father – Mich Gaallson, Arensburg, Palrapelle (Finland, Russia) |
3/10/1916 | 119th Overseas Battalion. Badge # 754360. Height 5’9″, Fair, Light Blue eyes, Fair hair, RC | birth date – November 18th, 1896. Trade – Lumber Jack, weight 155 (another card states b/d 11/13th,1896) |
3/10/1916 | Joined on enlistment 119th Overseas Battalion | |
3/10/1916 | Webbwood | Enlisted – trade Lumberjack |
3/10/1916 | T.O.S. (Taken on Strength) of a unit | Unit: 119th Battalion |
3/15/1916 | D.O. 24 of 15-3-16 (Daily order) of a unit | |
3/30/1916 | Anti-Typhoid Inculations | |
3/31/1916 | Paid from Mar 10th | sig or rec’t |
4/17/1916 | Anti-Typhoid Inculations | |
4/30/1916 | Paid | sig or rec’t |
5/31/1916 | Paid | sig or rec’t |
6/22/1916 | Vaccinations | Right arm |
6/30/1916 | Paid | sig or rec’t |
7/31/1916 | Paid | sig or rec’t |
8/8/1916 | Sailed from Halifax | S.S. Metagama |
8/8/1916 | Halifax | 119th Bn – Embarked Canada |
8/8/1916 | Unit Sailed | |
8/8/1916 | Paid to | N |
8/19/1916 | Liverpool | Disembarked England |
8/19/1916 | Arrived in England | S.S. Metagama |
9/13/1916 | Anti-Typhoid Inculations | |
10/2/1916 | Mil Isol Hosp A’shott | Mumps – List # 18 [Mumps vaccine not avail. until 1960’s] |
10/2/1916 | Mil. Isol. Aldershot | Parotiditis (Man Rgt) – List No 18 |
10/2/1916 | OC 119th Battn – Admt’d Isol Hosp. Aldershot | Bramshott – 1-10-16, D.C.L. #18 PtII D.O. # 187 – Mumps |
10/25/1916 | Dis ed – A’shott | Rubella – List # 27 [Rubella vaccine not avail. until 1960s] |
10/26/1916 | Army will bequeath estate to Miss Gladys Hall, 83 Blackfriars, London | Witness by McAdam, Sault Ste. Marie and Archibald, Seaforth. |
10/26/1916 | OC 119th Battn – Discharged, Isol Hospital | Aldershot – 25-10-16 DCL # 27 Pt II C.O. # 208 |
11/28/1916 | Bramshott Camp | 119th Bn – Proceeded overeseas for service with 52nd Bn – Part II D.O. No.236 |
11/28/1916 | 52nd Battalion Canadian Infantry | Theatre of War – France. Home address: Gen Del, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. |
11/28/1916 | transferred – 52nd Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force | |
11/28/1916 | OC 119th Battn – Transferred to 52nd Battn | Bramshott Pt II DO 236 WTR |
11/29/1916 | O.C.C.B.D. – Landed in France | Taken on Nom. Roll |
11/29/1916 | strength 52nd Cdn. Bn. | Pt II D.O. d/ 4.12.16 |
12/3/1916 | O.C.C.B.D. – Left for Unit | Nom. Roll |
12/4/1916 | OC 52nd Battn – Taken on strength | Field, 29-11-16 Pt II DO 60 |
12/6/1916 | O.C. 52nd Bn. – Arrived Unit for duty | B.123 d/9.12.16 |
1/4/1917 | ad 16 Genl – Le Treport | V.D.G. [Venereal Disease Gonorrhea] – W3034 #190 |
1/5/1917 | 16 Genl to 39 Genl – Le Havre | V.D.G. [Venereal Disease Gonorrhea] – W3034 #195 |
1/5/1917 | No. 39 Gen.,Le Havre | List No A244 & A245 – W3034 # 192 |
1/29/1917 | 39 Genl – forfeits Fld Allw. Is placed under stoppage of pay at the rate of 50 cents per diem while in Hspl | 01643 ConSect 2396. P II # 11 2/2/17 6-1-17 to 29-1-17 (24 days) |
1/29/1917 | 39 Genl – V.D.G. [Venereal Disease Gonorrhea] | to Rfts. Havre – W3034 #218 |
1/30/1917 | CBD – Canadian Base Detail | T.O.S. – UR |
2/5/1917 | 42 CCS (Aubigny) – forfeits Fld Allw. Is placed under stoppage of pay at the rate of 50 cents per diem while in Hspl. | 01643 ConSect 2463 P II # 75 16/2/17 1-1-17 to 3-1-17 (3 days) |
2/5/1917 | OC 52nd Battn – Discharged General Hospital | Havre 17-1-17 – CL A262 90 VDG [Venereal Disease Gonorrhea] |
2/9/1917 | CBD – left for unit | Field UR |
2/12/1917 | OC 52B – joined unit | Field – B213 |
| 52nd Batt’n was part of the 3rd Division under Major Gen. Lipsett, CMG | and was part of the Gun Co. in the 9th Brigade under Brig. Gen. F. W. Hill |
3/10/1917 | 52nd Batt’n moved | Villers au Bois where it seems they were billeted |
3/11/1917 | 52nd Batt’n moved | from Villers au Bois to “line” |
3/22/1917 | 52nd Batt’n moved | to Bruay |
3/29/1917 | 52nd Batt’n moved | Bruay to Villers au Bois |
4/1/1917 | 52nd Batt’n moved | to the front line |
4/3/1917 | 52nd Batt’n | raiding enemy trenches, emptying “saps”. Grampa was a “sapper” |
4/9/1917 | Attack on Vimy Ridge | |
| Sometime here, 52nd Batt’n headed to Ypres, Belgium | Battle of Passchendaele at Ypres, Belgium |
10/26/1917 | SW head – ad 11CSA to CCS ( Brielen ) | AB6/a8636 |
10/27/1917 | SW head – ad 44 CCS to 33 AS ( Brielen to Bethune) | AB6/a8979 |
10/27/1917 | SW head – ad 83 Genl | W3034/a9201 |
10/29/1917 | No 14 Mil Can Gen Eastbourne | S.W. Head Sev. -List No B53 – W.O. List 4454 |
10/29/1917 | Admitted Eastbourne – DeWalden Court – Hosp | Wounded (SW) head (scalp) 26 X 17, bone just groved, no cerebral ????, f.b. removed. Wd cleaned |
10/29/1917 | | T.Bipped, Wound looks clean. |
10/29/1917 | SW head – posted Man Regl Dep S’cliffe | W3083/4301 PII 102 17/11/17 |
11/2/1917 | Examined for re-engagement | |
11/4/1917 | Cable 12/4 M.6294 – Notified Next of Kin | Adm.Mil.Hosp.Eastbourne.Oct.29th.17. GSW.Head. |
11/4/1917 | Eastbourne | Healing |
11/5/1917 | Discharged from De Walden Court Eastbourne Hosp -S.W. Head – clean – looking well | 7 days in Hospital |
11/5/1917 | Admission to Red X Hosp. Cantelope Rd., Beahill ?? – S.W. Head | (Could be Red Cross Hospital, Cantelupe Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, UK |
11/6/1917 | Wound of R Mid-parietal region, large enough to hold a pidgeon’s egg. Bottom of wound slightly sloughy, sides healthy. Filled up with Bipp. (Bismuth iodoform paraffin paste) Man heavy & slow of speach, does not complain of headache. Eye movements of pupils normal | |
11/6/1917 | MRD (Minimal Residual Disease?) | T.O.S. – Igt 29-10-17 PtII O 42 B 20-12-17 |
11/6/1917 | MRD – TOS ex 52nd | Rgte Pte 29-10-17 – 82 Pt II Q102 D/17-11/17 Pt # O242 |
11/10/1917 | A.T.S. 500 units | Anti Tetanus Serum I.P.(A T S) |
11/17/1917 | wound healing rapidly under BIP: allowed to go out | |
11/18/1917 | ATS 500 units | |
11/26/1917 | wound quite healed | |
12/9/1917 | MR – 52 7 ?? C.G.H.Eastbourne | 14-12-17 CL B 93. SW Head Sev. |
12/12/1917 | wound has healed up nicely: this man is of Scandinavian origin and slow in understanding English which makes him appear at times to be mentally dull. | |
12/13/1917 | Discharged from Red X Hosp. Cantelope Rd., Bexhill ?? – S.W. Head – site healed | 38 days in hospital |
12/13/1917 | Admission to No. 14 Canadian General Hospital, Meads, Eastbourne, Sussex – S.W. Head | S.W. Head Sev. (Man Rgt) |
12/14/1917 | No. 14 Can Gen Hosp Eastbourne, Sussex | Transferred from V.A.D. Hosp. – Bexhill, Quite Recovered, D.I. category |
12/14/1917 | No. 14, CGH Eastbourne | SW Head Sev – List No B93 – W.O. List 8427 (Man Regt) |
12/17/1917 | Boarded – No 14 Canadian General Hosp Eastboure, Sussex | Category – DT (the T has a dot above?) |
12/21/1917 | Dischaged – OverSeas Casualty – Place in Hospital – 7 | DT 1st Can Com Depot (note small dot above the T) |
12/21/1917 | Discharged – D.I. | to D T (note small dot or # 1 placed above the T) |
12/21/1917 | Discharged from No. 14 Can Gen Hosp, Eastbourne, Sussex – S.W. Head | transfer from V.A.D. – no disability – 9 days in hospital |
12/24/1917 | Discharged, Eastbourne | SW Head Sev – List No B90 – W.O. List 2048 |
12/26/1917 | MRD – O/C to 1st C.C.D. | 21-12-17 Pt II O 291 |
12/27/1917 | Discharged | S.W. Head – List No B98-2 |
12/27/1917 | MR – 52 Dis ex C.G.H.Eastbourne | CL B – 98 |
3/4/1918 | Admission to Canadian Hospital, Etchinghill, Lyminge – V.D.G. [Venereal Disease Gonorrhea] – primiary Syphillis | |
3/5/1918 | Can Mil Hos Etchinghill Lymenge Kent | V.D.G. (Man Regt) – List No C161 – W.O. List 13811 |
3/12/1918 | Disease contracted at London | Primary sore appeared |
3/13/1918 | Canadian Hosp Etchinghill, Lyminge | Placed on Syphilis Register |
3/13/1918 | 1st Canadian Convalescent Depot | |
3/13/1918 | Treatment – Urine – Normal, Intravenous .3 Diarsenol | Diarsenol is arsenic |
3/14/1918 | Treatment – Intramuscular injection | T (with dot above and below right top of T) dose of Metallic Mercury in grains |
3/18/1918 | Admitted to Canadian Hospital Etchinghill, Lyminge – Full course treatment W.O. | |
3/18/1918 | Treatment – Urine – Normal, Intravenous .3 Diarsenol | |
3/22/1918 | Treatment – Urine – Normal, Intravenous .3 Diarsenol + intramuscular injection | T (with dot above and below right top of T) dose of Metallic Mercury in grains |
3/26/1918 | 1st CCD – admitted from Eastbourne 21.12.17 | DO # 284a 29/12/17 |
3/26/1918 | Having been over 21 days in Etchinghill C.L.K.ceases to be attached to this Depot | effective 4.3.18 |
3/26/1918 | St Martens Plains | DO # 83 |
3/27/1918 | MRD – Ceases on com 1st C.C.D. | S’cliffe 2.3.18 Pt II 86 1st CCD Pt II DO 83 d/26.3.18 |
3/27/1918 | M.R.D. Cease Com to 1st CCD | Shorncliffe 4.3.18 – Part II 86-10 |
3/27/1918 | M.R.D. Adm C.M.H. Etch.Hill | Shorncliffe 4.3.18 – Part II 86-11 |
3/28/1918 | Treatment – Intramuscular injection | T (with dot above and below right top of T) dose of Metallic Mercury in grains |
4/4/1918 | Treatment – Urine – Normal. Intramuscular injections + .5 Galyl | T (with dot above and below right top of T) dose of Metallic Mercury in grains |
4/11/1918 | Treatment – Urine – Normal. .4 Galyl & Intramuscular injections | T (with dot above and below right top of T) dose of Metallic Mercury in grains |
4/18/1918 | Treatment – Intramuscular injection | T (with dot above and below right top of T) dose of Metallic Mercury in grains |
4/24/1918 | Discharged from Can Hosp., Etchinghill, Lyminge – V.D.G. [Venereal Disease Gonorrhea] | 52 days in hospital – discharged as cured |
4/25/1918 | Discharged, Etchinghill | VDG – List No C194 – W.O. List 4654 |
4/25/1918 | Can Etchinghill Lymenge Kent – Disc | VDG – List No C199-1 |
4/25/1918 | Treatment – Urine – Normal, Intravenous .6 Diarsenol + intramuscular injection | T (with dot above and below right top of T) dose of Metallic Mercury in grains |
4/26/1918 | Admitted to 1st C.C.D. From Lyminge | D.O. Pt II, No 114 |
4/30/1918 | MRD – On com 1st CCD S’cliffe | Seaford 24.4.18 Pt II 120 ist CCD Pt II DO 114 d/26.4.18 |
5/2/1918 | Treatment – Urine – Normal, Intravenous .5 Diarsenol + intramuscular injection | T (with dot above and below right top of T) dose of Metallic Mercury in grains |
5/14/1918 | Ceases to be attached on proceeding to Rly. Tho. Purfleet | D.O. No. 132 |
5/15/1918 | Depot CRT – T.O.S. From M.R.D. | Purfleet 14-5-18 DO 135 & MRD DO 137 ? = 17.5.18 |
5/15/1918 | CRT Depot – Taken on Strength from M.R.D.on reporting from 1st CCD S’cliffe | Purfleet 14-5-18 Pt II D.O. 135 |
5/17/1918 | MRD – Ceases on com 1st C.C.D. | Seaford 14.5.18 DO 137 |
6/8/1918 | Mil H. Purfleet | V.D.G. [Venereal Disease Gonorrhea] – List No C228 – W.O. List 19387 |
6/10/1918 | Admission to Canadian Hospital, Etchinghill, Lymine – Gonorrhoea | |
6/11/1918 | Can H. Etchinghill | V.D.G. [Venereal Disease Gonorrhea] – List No C229 – W.O. List 19554 |
6/14/1918 | Slight defects but not sufficient to cause rejection | THB/2 (could be Total Hemoglobin) |
6/20/1918 | Slight defects but not sufficient to cause rejection | THB/2 (what does “slight defects” mean) |
8/10/1918 | Discharged from Can Hosp., Etchinghill, Lyminge – Gonorrhoea | 62 days in hospital – 3rd attack – discharged as cured |
8/12/1918 | Discharged, Etchinghill | V.D.G. [Venereal Disease Gonorrhea] – List No C281 – W.O. List 7319 |
11/24/1918 | Examined or Discharged by a Medical Board | Station – Purfleet Isocs |
12/7/1918 | CRTD [Canadian Reserve Training Depot] – SOS [Struck Off Strength] on trans from OMFC [Overseas Military Forces of Canada] to CEF [Canadian Expeditionary Force] in Canada | Purfleet 7-12-18 Pt II 0 339 |
12/7/1918 | Sailed for Canada | Ship: Olympic; Rank “Spr” (SAPPER); residence: Sault Ste. Marie |
12/7/1918 | From O/S – Taken on strength No. 1 District Depot London, D.O. 248 | |
12/14/1918 | R/C then #232 over 26 | ?? |
1/6/1919 | DO6 – Daily Order (of a unit) | # 1 DN |
1/7/1919 | SOS Dis -Struck off strength(of a unit) – discharged | Dem 06 |
1/7/1919 | Discharged on Demobilization; tattoo reg. #119 on Lt. arm, scar on forearm & scalp | London, ON; 119th Battalion. C.O.M.F.; age 22, 5’9″, blue eyes, Lumberman |
undated | Index card with John’s US Military number on it | Adah, Fayette, PA, USA |
6/10/1919 | arrived in Buffalo, NY; claims DOB is Nov 13, 1896 via Grand Trunk Railway | address: 1320 Water Street, Wheeling, West Virginia; last foreign residence: Toronto |
12/16/1920 | Declaraton of Intention – USA Naturalization Service | District Court of US, Wheeling West, Virginia; address: 1320 Water Street,Wheeling, West Virginia |
12/18/1920 | Enlistment Record; US Army #6476877 – Pt. – took travel pay, enlisted for 3 years | Ft. Thomas, Campbell Co., KY; $142.25 + bonus $90.00; Howitzer Co. |
12/29/1920 | Dec 16, 1920 documents he declared he had NEVER been treated for Gonorrhea, never been hospitalized or treated by a physician | to Wheeling, West Virginia; for service in 6th Infantry Camp Gordon, GA for 3 years |
12/29/1920 | Assigned to co. “E” 5th Infantry, Camp Jackson, SC Howz. Co. 6th | Marksmanship, gunner qualifications or rating: R.N.B.; Main Occ: Labourer 7 years, odd jobs heavy lifting $45/wk |
1/14/1921 | Permanent marks and physical defects | Right chest ?M, Left abdomen RM, Lt Arm Arm Tattoo 119, Rt Back Bmk (birthmark?) 1/2″ D. (diameter?) |
1/14/1921 | Vaccinations: Typhoid, paratyphoid,others | Wheeling, WV; Friend: Mrs. Nora Tucker, R.F.D.1, Mystic, Georgia |
2/1/1921 | Promoted | Grade: RMB Pvt (Put) |
3/11/1921 | Promoted | Grade: RMB Pvt 1cl (Put) |
5/10/1921 | Change of address | Howitzer Co. 6th Inf., Camp Jackson, SC, USA |
7/9/1921 | Honorable Discharge from US Army, 6th Infantry, Howitzer Co., camp Jackson, SC, USA | Reason: reduction of army; character: excellent; Address: 1320 Water St., Wheeling West Virginia |
11/15/1921 | Change of address – NOTE: double “a” gets dropped from document – Gallson | 165 East 128th St., New York, NY, USA – This is when he may have met Florence |
3/7/1922 | Marriage to Florence M. Peters, age 25, Manhattan, NY | address: RFD#1, Pateson, NJ, USA |
1/10/1923 | Jeanette Ellen born; baptized April 15, 1923 St. Mark’s Episcopal Church | Waterville, Main |
1/25/1923 | Desp. | Regn. No. 75832 |
25/11/1924 | US Dept of Lab letter requesting $1.00 fee; to Zolfo Spring, Florida | for copy of Declaration of Intention for Naturalization |
1/4/1925 | Joan Vera born | Wauchula, Florida |
3/18/1926 | Phillip John born | Zolpho Springs, Florida |
4/6/1927 | Letter from US Dept of Labour, to Zolfo Springs, Florida | acknowledging $1.00 received for copy of Naturalization Intention |
4/11/1928 | Listed in directory of Endicott – Binghamton, NY | tanner, 200 North with Flora |
4/12/1929 | Listed in directory of Endicott – Binghamton, NY | shwkr (shoeworker), 206 North with Flora M. |
7/21/1929 | border crossing from US to Canada, thru Niagara Falls | John, Florence, Jean, Joan, Phil; to Lot 15, Conc. B, Widdifield Twp., North Bay, ON |
12/21/1929 | Florence is admitted to New Toronto Mental Asylum | |
1930 | Jean, Joan & Phill are disbursed to “foster” homes | |
1930 | Mary & 2-yr-old son Donald move in with John and children | Donald died in 1950 at age 22. His obit says he lived in Mattawa for 20 years. |
1930 | Mary gives birth to Jackie | Listed on census as “John” |
2/15/1931 | Mary becomes pregnant with Jimmy | 13 months after Florence’s admission to hospital |
6/1/1931 | Widdifield Census | Mary is “housekeeper”, Donald Morrison and John Morrison are her sons. |
11/15/1931 | James “Jimmy” born | |
1935 | Barbara born | |
9/18/1937 | Hilda born | |
5/19/1939 | May “Maisey” born | |
1942 | Elizabeth “Betty” born | |
11/9/1945 | Florence transferred to St. Thomas | |
1946 | first dated letter to Eduard in Estonia | refers to a previous letter containing information about John’s “first wife” having mental problems |
11/30/1947 | John got up in the morning and disappeared | according to newspaper article |
12/13/1947 | Reported missing and OPP were searching for him. Article states “There is a possibility that he is an amnesia victim as he suffered shrapnel wounds in the head while serving in World War 1.” | “Mattawa Man Is Reported Missing” North Bay Nugget |
11/28/1948 | John is either still in hiding or went into hiding a 2nd time in Goulois River, Algoma. | answered letter from Joan, expressing that he didn’t want to be found. |
12/17/1948 | Letter to Joan from Goulois River, Algoma | answered letter from Joan |
1950 | Donald dies in car accident | |
2/9/1960 | Florence dies in St. Thomas | |
1946 to 1977 | John corresponds with brother Eduard, sister Aliise, brother August all in Estonia/Germany | Language gradually becomes more formal and letters shorter |
About 1975 | John living in rooming house in Mattawa; taken home by Jean | John and Mary legally marry around this time |
10/28/1975 | Mary applies for “Delayed Statement of Birth” for herself | Assumption: to legally be able to receive John’s supplemental penion should he die and to be beneficiary of the Gallson farm and to receive death benefit |
3/24/1978 | John dies in North Bay | |