Birth amendmentBirth CertificateJoan – age 5Joan with Donny Gallson behindJoan with Lloyd Cross, Bessie’s brotherJoan at Camp BordonJoan’s war training certificateMontage of Joan in Toronto imagesMontage of Joan with Joyce WorsnopJoan and LloydJoan and JeanJoan and Joyce WorsnopJoan and Albin’s weddingJoan and her new coatCarol, Phill & JoanJoan at Muskoka LandingJoan at Muskoka LandingJoan at Muskoka LandingWayne and JoanWayne, Rita & JoanDorothy Ollivier and JoanJoan and her church groupJoan’s 90thCarol, Donna, Sandra, Colleen, Marilyn – dresses smocked by Joan