Chester Warner Smith

Chester and Hazel – 1948

Chester was born July 16, 1908 and died October 17, 2001. He married Hazel Farmer. They had no children, the reason being (I was told) Chester had mumps as an older youth/man and was infertile. Hazel always called Uncle Chester, “Ches”, and she’s the only person that I remember calling him that.

Their farm was right next (behind) to our farm. His farm was the original farm owned by Willard Smith, Grampa’s step-brother. Uncle Chester and Aunt Hazel treated farming like a business, not a hobby. They invested in machinery that would give them better returns on their sweat and work.

They sold milk, eggs, hay and more. They had a dog named Chum and Chum would like little children ride him. I always thought their house was more beautiful than ours. They had french doors and clear glass door knobs. WOW.

Uncle Chester was a very quiet man. When he laughed and talked, he didn’t open his mouth very wide. He smoked cigarettes.

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