John’s Estonian Family

 These are records from the archives in Tallinn that Kaido Õunpuu got for me in 1988.  Kaido is Eduard’s son.  I put on the pictures of Karl and Aliise.  You can view all the children in the Photo Gallery.


Malle Jaagola called the registry office and a woman there just read off most of the same information.  Between both the letter and what Malle found out, here is a summary:

Mihkel Õunpuu – birth 7 Oct 1865 – death 13 Apr 1949 – m. Leenaga Toompuu – birth 20 Jan 1876 – died 11 Apr 1932

Mihkel’s mother was Ann birth date 12 Apr 1842

1.  Johannes, birth date 25 Nov 1896 by Gregorian calendar (the date I originally had was 13 Nov 1896 which is the Julian calendar, the difference being 12 days, although I think Malle told me before the difference was 10 days.)

2. Karl, birth date 28 Jun 1901

3. August, birth date 1 Mar 1903, death date 11 Apr 1903

4. Juulius, birth date 12 Jun 1904

5. Juuli, birth date 10 Aug 1905, death date 13 May 1925

6. Aliise, birth date 29 Dec 1911 m Oskar Tähtväli 30 Sept 1939. Oskar born 23 July 1914

Virve (daughter) born 26 Apr 1936, died 28 Sept 1944

Vello (son) born 17 Dec 1939

Mati (son) born 3 Jan 1949

7. Eduard, birth date 28 Jul 1914, death date 10 Oct 1914

8. Eduard, birth date 12 Sep 1915 – m. Selma Villemi, 21 Apr 1945

9. August, birth date 21 Nov 1918 – m. Alide-Elisabethiga Kiisel 8 June 1940. She was born 30 June 1919

Raimo (son) born 3 Feb 1941

Elvi (daughter) born 19 July 1942

In December 2021, Raimo’s son, Jaak Õunpuu connected with me on Facebook messenger. As well as Elvi’s granddaughter, Marii Sillasoo.  Both were trying to find information about August.

Information from Jaak was interesting.  Alide and August separated, then Alide told everyone that August was dead.  Family believe she did that to enable her to marry someone else.  So August’s children were surprized to find out that he was living in Germany in 1957 and corresponding with Grampa Gallson.

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