Johannes’ (John Gallson) Father
The following is from Malle Jaagoa – May 13, 2002. Its the register of births and christenings of year 1865. It is from the church.
The first 2 columns translated = day and hour of the birth
For Mihkel Õunpuu translation = 25 Sept afternoon
The third column translated = day of christening (there were 3 children christenings on the same day) which was 29 September
In 1865, Estonia used the old Julien calendar. The Gregorian (New Calendar) wasn’t adopted into the Russian Empire until Feb 1, 1918. The difference is 13 days. The birth dates of people born before February 1, 1918 were recalculated, and 13 days were added to the original birthdates. Therefore, 13 days added to 25 September 1865 = 7 October 1865
Parents (translated) = Ann Õunpu and according to her witness Ado Hannus is the father
Birthplace (translated) = Magnushof Kitto (Magnushof is the German name for the manor; its Estonia name is Elme. Kitto is the name of the farm.)

Godparents: Ann Õunpu, Andres Wikken, Jürri Suits
Below is another church extract but for 1842. The birth number 29 is the birth of Mihkel’s mother, Ann Õunpu. Her parents are listed in column Aeltern as Laas/Laes Õunpu, M. Reet/Reth. [I think the “M” means Mater (mother)]. Birthplace is again Magnushoff. The godparents were Jürri Hannus, Ingel Liggi, Liso Wikken.

Below is a census taken in 1857. Men on are on the left and women are on the right. The farm identification is LIX (59) Kitto.

Tavid/David Aunpu’s son 1. Jaen – age 15 in 1850, age 22 in 1857
Tavid/David Aunpu’s son 2. Redik – age 12 in 1850, age 19 in 1857
[Tavid/David Aunpu is deceased – on women side, Ingel is a widow]
Laes, David’s brother – age 43 in 1850, age 50 in 1857 [Mihkel Õunpuu’s grandfather]
Laes’s son 1. Jurry – age 14 in 1850, age 21 in 1957
Laes’s son 2. Davy – age 11 in 1850, age 18 in 1857 (name/age struck out means he left the farm or his is dead)
Ingel Aunpu’s illegitimate son Jurry, age 17 in 1860, age 24 in 1957
David Aunpu’s widow Ingel, her father was Magnus, age 58
Laes’s wife Reth, her father was Redik, age 51 (Mihkel Õunpuu’s grandmother)
Laes and Reth’s daughter 1. Ann (Mihkel Õunpuu’s mother), age 15
Laes and Reth’s daughter 2. Lehn, age 13
1826 Kitto Farm Census. Again, Men on the left and Women on the right. All surname Aunpu

Jürry, Ado’s son, age 77 in 1816, died 1823
Jaen, Jürry’s son, age 49 in 1816, died 1826 (Mihkel’s gr-grandfather)
David, Jaen’s son, age 11 in 1816, age 21 in 1826
Laes, Jaen’s son, age 9 in 1816, age 19 in 1826 (Mihkel’s grandfather)
Ado, Jaen’s son, age 2 in 1816, age 12 in 1826
Ann, Jaen’s wife, age 60 (Mihkel’s gr-grandmother)
Ingel, David’s wife, age 27
Marre, Jaen’s daughter, age 33
Ingel, Jaen’s daughter, age 26
Lehn, Jaen’s daughter, age 22
Leiso, Ingel’s illegitimate daughter, age 2
This will likely be the end of my research into the ancestors of Grampa Gallson. These documents are extremely challenging to get, read, translate and figure out. But in summary:
Ado begat Jürry d. 1823
Jürry begat Jaen who married Ann, then d. 1826
Jaen & Ann begat David (m. Ingel), Laes (m. Reth), Ado, Marre, Ingel, Lehn
Laes & Reth begat Ann (relations with Ado Hannus)
Ann & Ado begat Mihkel (m. Lehn/Leen)
Mihkel & Lehn begat Johnannes who became John Gallson.
Got it? 😉