Frances Ann Pennell (Smith)

Frances was born May 15, 1865 in Land’s End, England, and would have celebrated her 6th birthday of the S. S. Niger when they immigrated from Liverpool, England to Quebec City. She married Reuben James Smith (not related to my Smiths), on October 22, 1882 in Renfew, Ontario. Reuben was the son of William and Catherine Smith. Reuben and Frances lived in Rutherglen for a short time in the house across the Trunk Road from the maple tree hill once owned by Richard and Rachel Pennell. Some may remember it as Carl and Millie Sullivan’s house.

Frances and Reuben eventually moved to Ewen, Michigan and Frances died there August 4, 1953.

Frances and Reuben Smith
Frances Smith (nee Pennell)

Descendants of Frances Smith nee Pennell

  • Mary Ann Smith b. 1884, Rutherglen; m. John McLoughlin
    • George William McLoughlin, Dr., b.1904, WWII veteran
    • Frances Ann McLoughlin
    • Mary Ann McLoughlin
    • John Smith McLoughlin
    • Masie McLoughlin
  • William Richard Alexander Smith b. 1886
  • Catherine Smith b. 1888
  • George Calvin Smith b. 1890
  • Reuben James Martin Smith b. 1893, m. Margaret Johnson
    • Henry James Pennell Smith, WWII vet, decorated for bravery, Bronze Medal, Star Medal, Purple Heart
    • Nellie Margaret Smith m. Rowloff; Nellie was a composer
    • William Richard Smith [Myrtle records show “Sgt.”, but I can’t find any military records for him]
    • Frances Ann Smith
    • Mary Catherine Smith
    • Martin Edwin Smith
    • Floy Gertrude Smith
    • John Herbert Smith
  • Elizabeth Smith b. 1894
  • John Smith b. 1904

Addressed to Mrs. N. Smith
Rutherglen, Ontario, Canada
Post marked February 1918

Dear Alice, this is a store that was here when you were here. It was called Hargraves Store then. Do you remember it. Love to all from sister Frances.

ca 1905 – Frances Pennell’s Boys [Maybe: G=George; M=Martin; D=?Dad?]
Reuben James “Martin” Smith, son of Frances and Reuben Smith.
Frances Smith and unknown man.
Frances Pennell
ca 1950 – 5 Generations: Frances Pennell, with baby Mary Frances Shelton. Surrounded by Mary Ann McLoughlin, Mary Monical, Mary Ann Shelton

July 2, 1950

My Dear Sister and all

Just received your letter with the sad news of Eric’s death. I cannot tell you how sorry I feel for you all. It is so hard to see our loved one pass away and so young and there is nothing we can do for them. But we must be brave and put our trust in our heavenly Father and know its His will and its all for the best and ask him to give us strength to bear it and he will confort us in all our sorrow and after a while we will see them. God knows best what is best for us although it seems very hard to us now.

I am so very sorry that I am so far away and can not go to see you but I send you all my deepest sympathy and love. May God bless you all. I can’t write much for my eyes are getting so bad. I am almost blind. I am not well and getting weaker all the time. My arm has never got strong as to do all I can with one hand. We are having some cold weather here and rains every day and have just got word that I have another Great-Great-Grand child, Mary Ann had a baby boy. It was a surprise to me for the little girl was only one year old in January. [Pictured above] I think this is all for this time. Will try to write you soon. So with love and best wishes and God Bless you all.

from Sister Frances & John

Nellie’s ASCAP Composer Certificate ca1975

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