George Matthew Pennell, Sr.

Born April 27, 1858, Lewisham Place, Kent, England, George immigrated with his family on the S. S. Niger on May 11, 1871. George married Charlotte Edmunds and lived in Rutherglen, Ontario. He died August 31, 1930 and is buried at St. Margaret’s Anglican Cemetery in Rutherglen.

When Richard Pennell, James Hone and the Crew sisters made their way to Rutherglen, they brought their “children”, but Richard Jr. and George would have been in their 20’s, ready to have their own farms.

George Pennell’s descendants are many and integral to the fabric of Rutherglen, Ontario.

George was a short stout man with reddish curly hair. He came to Rutherglen in 1881 and lived on the farm land directly across the road from his parents, Richard and Rachel Pennell. This property was later owned by Joseph Rose. The property right beside was owned by Reuben and Frances (Pennell) Smith, who later moved to Michigan and sold their property to Carl Sullivan.

Charlotte Edmonds and George Pennell


Richard and his son George Pennell where early settlers in Rutherglen. The Pennells were originally from England. The reason that brought them to what is now ? community was chance of getting themselves some free grant land. This is land that was give[n] to anyone who would try and settle in the wilderness.

Richard Pennell settle[d] the Lot 26, Concession 9. The land was cleared with axes and horse which then had to be grubbed to make sure the stumps were out.

For income in early years of their stay they use to cut for ? engines and make ties for railroads. After Pennell was finished with the farm his grand[son] Emmett Smith got it. Mr. Smith framed and ?. Then selling all farm except four acres where he still lives.

The remainder of farm is owned [by] Mr. St. Jean.

George Pennell’s wife not ?. Their children are: Francis, Anne, Luey, Em?, Gordon, Alex, Herb, Harry, Richard and Victor. When George Pennell moved up with father to Rutherglen, he settle the land … ? The Pennells came …?

The lots which George settled were Lot 27, Concession 8 and Lot 26, Concession 8. The land on his property was cleared the same way as the other early settlers. On farm they had mostly cows and chickens. ? in these days were hard work because work was done manually, not with machines. During his and his wife stay at the farm, they had ten children.

When George was finish with farm, his son and wife Almalia took it over. Victor lived on the farm for many years and later sold the farm in two separate lots. He sold to Joseph Rose and the half to Will McLaren. Will later sold to Carl Sullivan. Both gentlemen still own the land.

Author unknown. Written circa late 1960’s
St. Margaret’s Anglican Church cemetery, Rutherglen

Descendants of George Pennell

Click the Photo Gallery button at the bottom for all the images and sources I have for George Pennell descendants. Also, as you read the names below, if there’s a superscript “P” (P) this means there’s a picture or reference to this person in the gallery. Also, I have more generational data on this family, but for privacy reasons, I’ve chosen to only put 3 generations below.

  • Lucy Pennell, b. 1876, d. 1964, m. Mr. French, m. Ch. Lawrence
    • Arthur Warrin French, b. 1900, d. 1916
    • John Allan Lawrence, d. 1936
    • Jean Lawrence, m. Clifford Asp (corresponded with Joan Smith for many years)
      • David Asp, b. 1953 (RCMP)
      • Lawrence Asp, m. Margaret Portious, m. Laura
      • Brian Asp
  • Richard William PennellP, b. 1877, m. Carrie Sullivan (Melvin Sullivan’s sister), m. Mary Ellen Farmer (Hazel Farmer’s sister)
    • Walter PennellP (w/Sullivan), m. Martha MillerP
      • PennellP
      • Dorreal PennellP (contributor to my database)
      • Linda PennellP
    • Austin Pennell (w/Sullivan)
    • William “Bill” Pennell (w/Farmer), good friend of Emmett Smith
    • Alex Pennell (w/Farmer)
    • Carrie Pennell (w/Farmer), m. Mr. Fisher
    • Charlotte Pennell (w/Farmer)
      • Lincoln Pennell
  • George Pennell, b. 1879, d. 1918 WWI at Battle of Mons.
  • Emma “Emmy” Charlotte Pennell, b. 1881, d. 1965, m. Lorenzo “LJ” Rose (farm beside Chester Smith’s) [FGS* from Clayton Rose]
    • Ellen “Nellie” Rose, b. 1900, d. 1978, m. Benjamin Farmer (Hazel Farmer’s brother) [FGS* from Marjorie Henderson]
      • Thomas Gordon Farmer (lawyer), m. Violet Peever
      • Wm. Allan Farmer m. Anne Yore
      • Mona Rose Farmer (RN) m. Darryl Anderson
      • Ruby Lorraine Farmer m. Ralph Burke
    • Clara Margaret Rose, b. 1901, m. George Monroe
    • Thomas “Tom” Henry Rose, b. 1902, d. 1975, m. Blanche SullivanP (Melvin’s sister) [FGS* from Clayton Rose]
      • Gwendolyn Hilda RoseP, b. 1930, m. John “Jack” Robillard
      • Doreen Emily Audrey Rose, b. 1931, d. 1986, m. Dr. David McClure
      • Jean Norma Rose, b. 1932, m. Frank Schellekens
      • Beth Gertrude Rose, b. 1934, m. Arnold Warren James (son of Christie & Mary James)
      • Marion Arlene RoseP, b. 1937, m. Roy SmithP (son of Elmo Smith, Roy’s grandmother Alice was George Pennell’s sister
      • Glen Melvin Thomas Rose, b. 1939, m. Wilda Paquette
      • Clayton Allan Rose, b. 1941, d. ca 2010, Clayton was a HUGE contributor to his family’s family history project and you can still find him on Ancestry and 23andme using initials “CR”
      • Murray George RoseP, b. 1945, m. Eugenia “Janie” Verhulst
      • Harvey Elwin RoseP, b. 1948, m. Noreen St. Jean
      • Sandra Lee Fern RoseP, b. 1952, m. Pierre “Peter” Smith
    • Reuben “Reub” Samuel Rose, b. 1904, d. 1969, m. Laura Sullivan (Melvin’s sister)
    • Allan Leyman Rose, b. 1907, m. Lillian “Lila” Sampson [FGS* from Marjorie Henderson]
      • Lois RoseP, m. Patrick RobinsonP
      • Ralph, m. Taami Saari
      • Fay, m. Harshman
    • Lorenzo “Jay” James Rose, b. 1909
    • Hazel Irene Rose, b. 1912
    • Violet Lavern Rose, b. 1915, m. James Lawrence Schubert [FGS* from Doriel Poupore]
      • Doriel Lavern Rose, m. Donald Poupore
      • Inez Leona Rose, m. Murray Morrow
      • Roy Lawrence, m. Patricia Wilkinson
      • Ralph James Rose
      • Norma Noleen Rose, m. Claire Morrow
      • Lennis Brian James Rose, m. Susan Belluz
      • Garry Lee Rose, m. Rosemary Jarvis
    • Marjorie Mona RoseP, b. 1917, m. Roy Kitchener HendersonP [FGS* from Marjorie Henderson]
      • Lynda Jean Henderson (Teacher) m. Real Chevrefils
      • Judith Emma Henderson (RN) m. Dr. Robert Bruce Edey
    • George “Jiggs” Mons RoseP, b. 1919, m. Violet Davis
    • Iva Muriel RoseP, b. 1921, m. Norman Basil BlayP [FGS* from Clayton Rose]
      • Margaret “Peggy” Rose Blay, b. 1946 m. Lynn Duquette [FGS* from Clayton Rose]
      • Darryl Basil Blay, b. 1948, m. Monica Barr [FGS* from Clayton Rose]
  • Anne Pennell, m. Mr. Segien, m. Bert Reynolds
  • Obadiah Pennell, b. 1887, d. 1951 Cooperstown, PA, m. Abigail Scobie
  • Rachel Sarah Pennell, b. 1890, d. 1890
  • Victor Pennell, m. Alma Watson
    • Howard Pennell, m. Alma BlayP
      • Ian Pennell
      • Marlene Pennell
  • Alexander C. Pennell, b. 1892, d. 1967, served as a gunner in WWI, severely wounded twice, met and m. nurse Dorothy Rhodes in England, then m. “Jo”. Worked as Game Warden in Gravenhurst, ON
    • Gabriel Pennell (w/Rhodes)
  • Harry Pennell, m. Louisa, m. Zelda
  • Frances Pennell, b. 1896, d. 1982, m. Harry Latimer
    • Barbara Latimer.
    • Eleanor Latimer
    • Ted Latimer, m. Elizabeth Richards
  • Herbert Gordon Pennell, b. 1899, d. 1983. Served in WWI in 58th Battalion, wounded in Battle of Mons. m. Ella McCulloughP
    • Audrey Pennell, m. Ken Reeves
      • Bruce Reeves
      • David Reeves
      • Jane Reeves
      • William Reeves
    • Helen Pennell, m. Frank Hitchcock
      • Douglas Hitchcock

*FGS = Family Group Sheet

I have so many source items and images for George Matthew Pennell’s descendants, I’ve put them in a separate gallery on Google Drive. Click the button below to see them.

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