Admiration for My Dad

Dad was a farmer who quit farming when he was 50 because he hurt his back. To go from farming to being an hourly paid employee took a lot of courage. With some help from his friends he pulled it off. 

One of dads sayings was “If you can’t say anything good about somebody don’t say anything at all” .

Dad was a past master of the Mattawa Masonic Lodge 268.

Much of what dad did was because he was a Mason. I know they helped many people that were in trouble.

Dad was a supporter of the United church , did some road work for the Town Ship of Bonfield and drove a school bus.

Another saying of dad’s was “Damn the Luck”. I heard him say this when the baler (or something)  broke down and when he found out he had leukemia. I miss him.

(Originally posted by Wayne in Storyworth, 2023)

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