Favourite Childhood Memories

Lets see.

Getting my Electric Train.

Getting my Mold Master.

Using Wendy’s Easy Bake Oven.

Getting my Red Tractor when I was two(That I still have)

Christmas in General

Phillip coming for a visit in the summer (we built the tree house together)

The sound of rain on the roof (I could sleep in, didn’t have to work)

Hiding in my tree house (having a smoke).

Building the tree house.

Learning to drive the tractor ( I was about 5 )

Going swimming at Joe and Jake’s

Going swimming at Edna and Cliff’s

Going swimming at Champlain park and a picnic too.

Going swimming at Pimsey Bay and a picnic too.

Going swimming at Lake Talon Dock

Going swimming at Greens camp on Lake Talon 

Going swimming at the Mawhiney’s cottage

Uncle Cliff passing out fire crackers at Mawhiney’s cottage

Uncle Jake marching out of the bush blowing his bag pipes at  Mawhiney’s cottage (bag pipes make me cry)

Going fishing in the Blue Sea Creek.

Watching Grandpa Smith carve a stock for a .22 rife barrel I found in the milk house loft. He convinced dad I was old enough to have the rifle when he was finished. Guess I was around 10.

Buster was with me every where I went on the farm. Our favorite past time was hunting ground hogs before and after I got the gun. (I miss Buster)

Some explanations.

Dad worked from sun up to sun down. So to get any time with him you had to work with him or for him. That is unless he was forced to take some time off for a picnic.

Bath day was on the week end. I was the dirtiest  so I got the bath water after all the girls had used it. If you went swimming at the lake you got to use nice clean fresh smelling water all of your own. Emmett had no bath tub so swimming was the only way to wash the chaff off.

The memory of the smell of Lilacs coming through my bed room window still makes me go out and steal some branches from somewhere every spring. This year it was the Kinsman’s park down town Saskatoon.

I had two little flocks of banty hens (around 10 each). One outside and one inside the hen house.For some real excitement I would put them all together and watch the roosters fight it out.

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