Step-Brothers & Half-Siblings

There are very few pictures of Grampa in the “early” days, without white hair and a mustache. So you might not recognize Grampa in this photograph believed to be taken at the funeral of his mother, Great-grandma, Leah Eady, who died May 28, 1924. When I found out that Grampa’s biological father was not actually a Smith, it changed the way I looked at these pictures, now knowing that the half-siblings were really step-siblings.

L-R: Henry (step), Emerson (Willard’s son), Willard (step), Orin (half) and Grampa.  Henry, Willard and Orin are all sons of Philander Smith.  Henry’s and Willard’s mother was Ann Dean, the 2nd wife of Philander.  Orin’s and Grampa’s mother was Leah Eady, 3rd wife of Philander. The centre woman in front is Annie Scobie (Eliza Ann Smith), full sister to Henry and Willard. Her husband died one year before this photo. She would later marry John Mullen. Next to Annie is Georgina, full sister to Orin. Missing is Julia, Orin’s twin sister. The woman to the left of Annie looks nothing like other pictures I have of Julia.

The identification in the top picture “Third Row #2”, being that she “looks like Grandma Smith”. Of course, its not her as this is her funeral. And can’t be any of Leah’s sisters as Leah was the last surviving female of the siblings.

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