“The old reliable on a Sunday morning” is written on the back of this photo.

To date this picture, I zoomed in on the license plate and Googled “Ontario License Plates” which resulted in the image behind the photo. With this, I was able to date the picture to 1922.

Also note, when I zoomed in on the license, over the back wheel, there are two little faces I hadn’t seen before. This is the 1922 version of photo-bombing!! I can only make an educated guess that these two little faces belong to Lloyd (my Dad) and Emmett.
The people standing to the right of the car are likely (L-R) Vera, Uncle Chester & Gramma. Standing on the step of the car looks like Georgina (“Jo”). (Always thought this was Grampa, but when you zoom in you can see that the face looks more like Uncle Chester).
This was taken between the house and the “Milk Shed” (the logged building on the left) at our farm in Rutherglen.