Favourite Scouting Memory

With out a doubt it was CJ97.

Thanks to the support from companies like Esso , Flint , etc. in Whitecourt we raised $30,000 selling sand bags to the oil patch. We rented a grey hound bus and sold the empty seats to other scout troops (Kitscotty , Marthorp ) . We took 30 kids from Whitecourt.

The Jamboree went off without a hitch thanks to the premium planning by scouters and Thunder Bay city officials, and countless helping citizens. Over 13,000 scouts, parents, volunteers, and leaders made this event into one that is still remembered fondly today, and showed why Scouting is the largest youth movement in the world.

see the video.

Darren went to CJ93 too. Not many scouts get to go to two CJ’s.

CJ93 was in Kananaskis Alberta . I took my cub troop there for a day visit. A scout troop from NewfoundLand was our host.

12,000 attended . Darren had a great time there. video.

(Originally posted by Wayne in Storyworth, 2023)

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