My own blogs and personal reflections on life in 21st Century.
- My own DNA conspiracy theoryI would say I’ve done an above average amount of reading about ancient history. I do wish I had studied this in post-secondary school however that’s a whole other topic. Two things I remember reading about that just seemed weird and creepy were how in the Jewish culture, you were only considered Jewish IF your… Read more: My own DNA conspiracy theory
- Memorial for a 14-year-oldSince I only know of one person who reads my blogs, I’m feeling quick free to speak my mind, especially today. I went to a memorial for a 14-year-old girl, granddaughter of a friend of mine. How odd to attend one of these where not only were there adult goodies for visitors to snack on,… Read more: Memorial for a 14-year-old
- Random Memories of Wayne and WendyThere’s a few things to point out in this picture. Dad had a push-lawnmower that he obviously hadn’t used in awhile. The tub was our “swimming pool”. My memories of it were very exciting. As you can see by my face I was totally happy. The “playhouse” is behind us. I’m told, it used to… Read more: Random Memories of Wayne and Wendy
- Gallsons in Endicott, New YorkUPDATED March 27, 2024: Email response regarding an query I made for information from the E-J Tanner and Shoemake Archive: Thank you for contacting the Syracuse University Libraries. I’m copying our Special Collections Research Center (SCRC) on this message, as this department maintains the papers of members of the Johnson family. The SCRC appreciates your… Read more: Gallsons in Endicott, New York
- Wayne Lloyd SmithWayne was born December 3, 1954 in North Bay, Ontario, the son of Lloyd George Smith and Joan Vera Gallson. He’s my older brother. And you can hear some things about him in the posting A Song For Wayne and in the many Stories I’ve posted. Wayne recently discovered that he is a carrier of… Read more: Wayne Lloyd Smith
- Florence’s FamilyPost UPDATED… I finally have the death registration of Philip James Peters, Grandma Gallson’s brother and Edith’s twin. It say Philip died March 9, 1907, age 4, of acute capillary bronchitis, pulmonary congestion. Place of Philip’s death is the same address as Grandma’s birth.
- Suzan Birdsall nee CanningPost UPDATED… Suzan was the daughter of Brenda Canning and the granddaughter of Phyllis Vera Peters. Suzan Birdsall Obituary, Death – January 21, 2024 – London, England – Suzan Birdsall, who was affectionately known as Sue, passed away, and it is with profound grief and heavy hearts that we share this news with you. Earlier… Read more: Suzan Birdsall nee Canning
- Freedom of InformationClick here to read update I finally decided to make an application to the Archives of Ontario, under the Freedom of Information Act, to get any documentation existing on my grandmother, Florence Peters. It was surprizingly easy. I filled out a very simple form, giving very brief information about GG (Gramma Gallson), why I wanted… Read more: Freedom of Information
- New Pictures of Florence
- Mental Health Treatment in 1930The Treatment Act of 1930 replaced the Lunacy Act 1890 which stipulated that anyone admitted had to be “certified” which required a magistrate’s oversight – in other words, needed a warrant. Also, there was NO option for self-discharge.
- What is Judaism?Below is a great 8-minute video that summarizes what I’ve always thought of Judaism. But it wasn’t until I saw the results of our daughter’s DNA on Ancestry that it really hit me – Judaism is not a religion. It’s actually in the DNA. It’s who they are. Our daughter is a solid 50% Ashkenazi… Read more: What is Judaism?
- The Sadistic Frontal CortexThis should be a class in high school, part of the “Life Skills” series that should begin in grade 9. How many parents have the instinct to say “give your head a shake” to their teen-to-young-adult children? Or want to (and some do) slap their kid “up the side of the head” to try and… Read more: The Sadistic Frontal Cortex
- A Song for WayneMy Great Big Brother Walking down a gravel road1 towards a haunted house2Scary bushes3 to the left of me and I’m feeling like a mouseBut Wayne is there to comfort me, to find what’s under coverHe’s big and strong, he’s brave and bold. He’s my great big brother. Running through the fields of grain, not… Read more: A Song for Wayne
- ForgivenessI had an epiphany today about forgiveness. I realize I never really knew what it meant. Perhaps I should have looked it up on – stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for (an offense, flaw, or mistake) While I know this is part of the process, I thought there was another thought… Read more: Forgiveness
- Gramma & My Meandering ThoughtsMy sister Carol and I have had many discussions on Gramma’s mental illness. It is puzzling to us. It makes no sense to us that one person in a family, randomly, out of no where, has a mental illness that incapacitates them so severely that they’re admitted to an insane asylum, never to be released… Read more: Gramma & My Meandering Thoughts
- The Clothes Line StandThis picture is one that I had developed from a box of negatives that I found in the old Pennell home in Rutherglen. This clothesline stand is a big memory for me and was still there beside the porch door when we moved from house in 1968. Although I can’t make out her face well,… Read more: The Clothes Line Stand
- My Pet Peeve For TodayFood Basics now have green opaque produce bags that many consumers THINK are composable. One gentleman actually told me he loves to use them because he reuses them with his green waste. OMG!! Also today I saw a woman put a mesh bag of onions into a green produce bag – WHY?? Also bananas –… Read more: My Pet Peeve For Today
- The Colon and PolypsMom had and recovered from Colon Cancer when she was in her late 70’s. Her doctor found her cancer during a colonoscopy and “rushed” her (within days I think) to the operating table and removed a big part of her colon. Because the doctor “got it all”, Mom didn’t need to go through chemo or… Read more: The Colon and Polyps
- Challenges of GenealogyEver since I was little, I loved old things. From the days of exploring my Great-Aunt’s abandoned and dilapidated home across the country road from our farm, I can remember holding viewer cards and envisioning myself as a long dead relative looking at them with amazement. Old Eaton’s catalogues with pictures of corsettes and bustles… Read more: Challenges of Genealogy